Science fiction

Sometimes the best books are the ones that take you out of your own world, and into another. Venture into the cosmos of imagination and scientific wonder with our best science fiction books. Whether you seek futuristic adventures with books like Ready Player One, The Man in the High Castle and Good Omens, or are looking for the latest smash hits like The Curse of Saints by Kate Dramis or Gild by Raven Kennedy, lose yourself in the boundless wonders of sci-fi books.


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The best science fiction books to take you to new worlds

From Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World to Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time, these are the best science fiction books.

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Discover the Doctor Who universe

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May the force be with you

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Classic dystopias

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A still from The Handmaid's Tale TV show.

The best dystopian books, as chosen by our readers

Whether it's the super-surveillance of Oceania or the repressive regime of Gilead, dystopian novels are resonating more strongly than ever with readers around the world.


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