
An adventurous new fiction list taking inspiration from the past

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In 1917 Virginia and Leonard Woolf started The Hogarth Press from their Richmond home -Hogarth House - armed only with a hand press and a determination to publish the newest, most inspiring writing. They went on to publish some of the 20th century’s most significant writers, including Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield and Stephen Spender, translations of Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Proust, and seminal works like T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. In 1946 Hogarth came under Chatto’s management. The imprint was revived as a transatlantic venture with the Crown division at Random House in 2011. Hogarth continues to be a home for a fresh generation of literary talent: an adventurous fiction imprint with an accent on the pleasures of storytelling and a broad awareness of the world.

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